Thursday, August 21, 2008

Two steps forward, three steps back...

Oh, man. I fell off the wagon *hard* after the triathlon last month. As I sit at my desk right now, I am wishing I could have worn sweats to work today, which tells me I have definitely gained weight. ::sigh:: I need to get back to it, dangit! I didn't put in all that hard work just so the lazy monster could come in and take back over.

Stupid lazy monster. It lives in me in a big way. So does the eating crappy food monster. The past two weeks have been pretty bad; Vegas last weekend (see: probably not sober picture), and lunch at work the past two days, and two cups of corn chowder on Tuesday night. Kill me. :(

I feel pretty disgusting. How do I get back on track and stop feeling like this? Step one is not eating either of the items I made for the two potlucks I am attending today. O_o Potlucks are cruel for the fat girl trying to lose weight. Cruel, I say!

Confession: I have not ridden my bike since the triathlon. There, I said it. ::hangs head::

My next triathlon is coming up really soon-in October. I know I have lost some amount of physical fitness, but I don't think it's too late to pull it together in time for the triathlon. No more screwing around, though.

If you see me eating something, slap it out of my hand. For pete's sake, I had Coldstone the other night.