Thursday, June 26, 2008

It all started with a televised triathlon

At least, I think that is how I decided that I wanted to do a triathlon. I don't really remember for sure. Maybe I just woke up one day and my mind was already made up somehow. Either way, I am training for my first triathlon. Well, have been training. It's in 17 days. ::stops to breathe into a paper bag::

See, the thing is that I used to be one of those super-competitive people who ran six miles every day and said words like "fartlek" and "I'm going to run twelve miles today." Then I did what a lot of women do (and apparently that one guy up in Oregon or wherever): I had two kids. I went from a size eight to a size 18. My weight topped out at 226 before the "holy crap, what are you doing to yourself" survival instinct kicked in. Or maybe it was just that I got sick of working with a bunch of giggly size two girls. Not sure. So I've lost 20-ish pounds since that realization, but I've still got a long way to go before I reach the magic number.

I get bored with working out pretty quickly, especially since I am most always alone while doing it. Training for a triathlon has been perfect for my ADD-having self. I never get bored because I never have to do the same thing two days in a row. It's wonderful, really. I've also hooked up with the fine folks of the San Diego Triathlon Club, and they have been awesome and helpful and fun and friendly. It's nice not to have to do every workout alone anymore.

That isn't to say that I don't do my share of solo workouts at odd times of the day/night. Having two kids affords me the opportunity (that is how I am putting it. an opportunity) to head to the gym at times like 10:17 PM, where I get to witness what is probably the gym's most interesting clientele pumping iron while I run on the treadmill or pump away on a spinning bike.

I did my first open water swim last week, it was nowhere near as horrible as I thought it would be, and I was the only one who cared whether or not I was the fattest or the slowest one there, which I wasn't (wasn't the slowest, anyway).

That's me, there in the white cap.

So anyway. Me = formerly sedentary, even more formerly fit, now training for a triathlon. I am going to use this blog to keep track of the ups and downs and ins and outs of my training, for this triathlon and beyond. It's going to be fun and I can't wait to share it with you.


buhlue said...


Jill said...

Oh, I can't wait!
Maybe you'll inspire me to get off my fat behind and do some running.

aarein said...

looking great out there but can we see more pictures???? <3 pudgy

Fit Mommy said...

Great choice! I found your blog from secrethippie via twitter! You must run with her. I also have two boys and am training for my 4th marathon and have competed in several sprint triathlons but never an open water swim!!

You can do it.

Katie :) said...

you rock! :)