Monday, June 30, 2008

T-Minus 13 Days

Wow, so tomorrow is July first! Thirteen days until The Big Day. No hyperventilating (at the time of writing. I make no promises against future panic attacks). I'll be ready.

I am finding myself more and more exhausted. All day at work, I was dragging. I was dreading my swim workout, but managed to make it through and actually get a really good cardio workout in. I'm slightly amazed that I didn't fall asleep while backstroking, to be quite honest.

As I mentioned in my last post, I just found out that I am anemic. I don't think it's that big of a deal-a lot of people are anemic-but it is a big hint that I need to get on track with some sort of training diet. Two granola bars and a Slim Fast do not an athlete's diet make, though that is all I had today prior to swim. It's not that I am intentionally not eating, I guess I just forget. And forgetting is a lot more of a big deal when you're working out six days per week, than it is when your main activity is cultivating your secretary spread (see: me, twelve weeks ago).

So anyway. Research will be done on some proper nutrition guidance. Share it if you've got it! :)

I did have somewhat of a victory today, despite the shakiness I felt walking onto the pool deck. I'm overweight, right? I don't know that I have ever really liked the way I looked sans clothing, but it has definitely been a few years since I caught myself walking by a mirror on the way to the shower and thought, how you doin'? Last night I caught a glimpse of myself and noticed that maybe there isn't so much jiggle going on back there as there used to be. Cool. My husband also cat-called me as I walked by. Normally I would roll my eyes, but I tried to take his construction worker flattery to heart-I really am working hard, why shouldn't he think I am looking better/good?

Back to today. Today after I finished my workout, I gathered my belongings and walked across the deck to the locker rooms... with no towel covering my legs. And I felt ok about it. Good, even. It was a pretty awesome feeling. This isn't to say that I am going to chill on the working out and rest on my laurels, I still have a way to go, but it's nice to see results.

I decided on what I want to wear for the triathlon (and the world breathes a sigh of relief). I am a big fan of Skirt Sports workout clothing. I own the Tri Swimsuit, the Gym Girl Gripper skirt and the Compression Fit BikeGirl Skirt, all of which I adore. (And both the skirts are on clearance, so go check them out. They FAR surpass the running skirts Target sells.) Since I am such a fan, I decided to try out their triathlon line. I give you, my tri outfit: Well, ok, just the top. As it turns out, black shorts aren't all that exciting, but the top is cool! I plan to wear a sports bra underneath, and lots of BodyGlide, because I am afraid that my sports bra isn't going to turn out to be all that water-friendly.

I am the only one awake in the house, not even Hammie is up running around. I am going to pack my bag for tomorrow (I can't decide if I just want to do a bike ride, or if I want to do a brick) and follow suit.

Stay classy, Internets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: being happier with your body.
Isn't it amazing?! I know the feeling you mean, even though our reasons for working out and goals are completely different, I remember my first time looking in a mirror and doing a double take. Here's to more of those moments!