Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can't Sleep... Vampires Will Bite Me

I really couldn't come up with a good subject line, and we're watching 'Underworld,' so...

Yesterday I set out to do a 15 mile ride, but after ten miles, I decided to do a brick. I stopped at my car and threw on all my running gear and set off on the trail. Within the first couple hundred yards, my right calf started cramping up with each step. Ow. I ended up running only maybe a little more than a mile, so I guess I wouldn't exactly call it a brick workout, but at least it was a bit of a transition practice.

My husband bought some bananas for me to help with the cramping. This morning when I left for work, there were four bananas left. Tonight when I got home from swimming, they were all gone. ::sad face:: I haven't bought bananas in a long time because I try to buy fruit and veggies that were grown in California (where I live). Sadly, there are no local banana growers. You know, climate and all. So anyway. I forgot how much the kids like bananas. (a lot) They also killed all but one of the pears David bought. Little fruit monkeys!

Back to training!

So today I took my wetsuit to the pool and swam in it. I think I've decided that I don't like swimming with the wetsuit. I do feel faster in it, however after about 200 yards, my arms were already tired. I think if I swim in a wetsuit, it needs to be a long john style one. It's possible that the wetsuit is a tad bit too small for me in the chest area. I swam about 300 yards and then took it off and finished my workout. I also spent about twenty minutes helping one of my lane mates with his butterfly stroke. It was fun!

Tomorrow is the Braveheart Brick Session at Mission Bay. I did it last week and it kicked my ass. I am looking forward to it this week. 1) because I now have my LOOK pedals and bike shoes, so I will be able to get some transition experience, and 2) because I want to see how my fitness has improved over the last week. I've been working pretty hard.

I am hovering around the 200 mark. I was 203.1 yesterday morning. I am hoping to hit the starting line at 199. How cool would that be?

1 comment:

Maureen said...

this blog is just as great as your LJ!! Love it :) Keep up the great work. I recently have started working out 6 day a week, too. I know its a hard adjustment, but a triathalon? I always knew you had 2%+ of crazniess in you lol. Have a good holiday weekend :)