Sunday, July 20, 2008

I am a triathlete... so now what?

Because I am sometimes a little slow on the uptake, I didn't realize until today how much of a toll not working out has taken on my mental state. My husband was out of town for most of the week, leaving me to tend to the boys, so I didn't get to work out at all until yesterday.

I swear it was the best run ever.

I've just had this cloud hanging over me since maybe last Tuesday or so. Worried, stressed, FAT, just all-around not great. Though I did manage to lose a couple of pounds while David was gone, so that was good, especially since I was up two pounds the day after the triathlon. I almost had a heart attack when I stepped on the scale that day. Wha? WHY? I am blaming water-retention. Ya? I mean, I didn't go out and eat my weight in ice cream right after the tri. So anyway.

I've been entertaining some pretty lofty ideas with regard to my future as a triathlizer. We're considering a move to Austin, TX within the next several months. I am not going to name it, but there is a certain triathlon that takes place in Austin during October of each year.

I'm thinking 2010 would be my year to do the race that shall not be named.

I'm going to begin following a much more, um, ambitious training program starting tomorrow. I've got a lot of weight to lose, and I don't want to waste energy carrying all this extra weight. So if you see me out at Coldstone or something, slap whatever I am eating out of my hand. Ignore the tears I will shed as I watch my sweet cream with peanut butter cups melt on the floor. I'll be ok.
I went to a birthday party for the son and daughter of my former college roomate (did you follow that?) yesterday, and I rocked my "Tri Mom" visor. Most people probably were wondering, "Um, she wants us to try her?" But I still thought it was cool. haha Don't mind the bra straps.

Tomorrow is a swim workout, possibly a run in the morning if I can drag ass out of bed early enough. The husband has a PFT in two weeks, so I need to make sure I don't hog all of the available workout time like I have over the past three months.

I have officially selected my next triathlon: The Subaru Women's Triathlon. It's a sprint distance. I am going to try to find an Olympic distance one to do after that. And I am definitely going to do the End of the Summer 4-Miler in August. I did it last year while training for the Carlsbad Half Marathon; it was a good run. Hopefully this year I will be faster. I'll be hopefully 30-35 pounds lighter by then than I was last August.


buhlue said...

Pooty.. I wish I could do the 4-miler with you again this year. That was lots of fun. Too bad we didn't do more races together. :(

Did you see the Made episode on the guy that wanted to be a triathlete? They made it look like he did no training, but I really doubt that he was that much of a slacker and completed the triathlon! I thought of you though.. two of your favorite things: Made and triathlons.

Jen on the Run said...

I didn't see that episode! Dangit!

I wish we did more races together, too. Move back! David is less stressed about having both kids now that James doesn't cry 24 hours per day. haha